Understanding Interior Architecture with Shalini Misra
Sushant School of Design (SSD) in association with Sushant School of Art and Architecture (SSAA) played host to the second presentation in the series ‘Beyond the Skin’, written and presented by internationally acclaimed Architect Designer Shalini Misra, on Wednesday 12th April, 2017.
Shalini shared her vision of Interior Architecture by presenting four projects she had recently worked on. Each one of them has been highly acclaimed by clients and industry alike, each equally sumptuous both in form and finish.
Although classically trained in architecture, commencing at the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, followed by studies in urban planning at Columbia New York and finishing with and MSc in Architecture from UCL Bartlett London, Shalini Misra has a very strong academic base. Describing herself as a ‘pure play architect’ who has successfully practiced in every aspect of Architecture and Interior Architecture, what came come over loud and clear from the interaction is her sublime understanding of eclectic space,
a deep passion for the work of renowned artists and artisans an appealing sense of theatre in every visual and tactile sense.
The creative industries in India are certainly experiencing a time of rapid growth. Architecture and now additionally Interior Architecture are core to the quality and strength of that growth. The Sushant Schools are spearheading the way forward. Close association with the very best in industry, Shalini Misra certainly being a prime example, spurs us on the very great heights.
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